Desire & Machines: Unconscious Ties in AI Age

Sherry Turkle explores the complex psychological interactions between humans and artificial intelligence, likening the attachment to technological entities to psychoanalytic transference, and urges thoughtful engagement with our “robotic moment.”

Key Points

  • The intimate relationship between humans and AI evokes a psychological response that’s not primarily rooted in the technical capabilities of machines but in the “sustaining myths” they generate within us.
  • A form of “transference” takes place when humans engage with AI, akin to the psychoanalytical concept, where unconscious ideas and emotions are projected onto the machine, engendering both positive and negative effects.
  • Users of chatbots sometimes establish emotionally intimate relationships with the technology, attributing empathy and relational attributes to the AI.
  • Studies and anecdotal evidence highlight users’ deep emotional connections to AI, facilitating a sense of non-judgmental interaction and attachment.
  • Sherry Turkle emphasizes the importance of understanding and navigating our emotional and psychological relationships with AI, considering our profound psychological, historical, and relational complexity.

Key Insight

Humans unconsciously imbue artificial intelligence with emotional and relational attributes, engaging in a form of psychological “transference” that echoes the dynamics observed in psychoanalytic settings.

Why This Matters

The emotional and psychological entanglements that humans develop with AI illuminate a pivotal aspect of our interaction with technology, transcending mere functionality and venturing into realms of attachment and emotional dependency. Understanding this nuanced human-tech interaction is crucial as it influences not just our relationships with technology but potentially our relationships with each other and our self-perception, especially in an era where AI continues to permeate various aspects of our daily lives.


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