Automotive Giant Initiates Data Talent Apprentice Program

GNAI Visual Synopsis: A group of young professionals engaged in data analysis and software development training in a dynamic and collaborative environment within a modern workplace setting.

One-Sentence Summary
A skill shortage in digital leadership is hindering companies’ ability to keep up with technological advancements, prompting Bentley Motors to pioneer a data talent apprenticeship program to address the widening data skills gap. Read The Full Article

Key Points

  • 1. More than half (54%) of digital leaders globally report a skills shortage, particularly in data-related fields.
  • 2. Bentley Motors has initiated a data talent apprentice program to train individuals in data science, analytics, and data engineering.
  • 3. The program offers hands-on data skills training, covers undergraduate degree costs, and provides a wage for participants.

Key Insight
As digital technology evolves, organizations are facing a widening skills gap, especially in data-related areas, prompting innovative initiatives such as Bentley Motors’ apprentice program to address this challenge head-on.

Why This Matters
The widening skills gap in data-related fields has significant implications for companies’ abilities to leverage emerging technologies, making talent development initiatives like Bentley Motors’ apprentice program essential for bridging this gap and ensuring a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Notable Quote
“I’ve had about 30 people go through the apprenticeship, and the first people have now graduated and gone into permanent roles, which is great.” – Andy Moore, Chief Data Officer at Bentley Motors.


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